Directed by Mike Payette
Written by Rouvan Silogix & Rafeh Mahmud
A World Premiere co-production from Tarragon Theatre and Modern Times Stage Company In Association with Theatre ARTaud.

November 19th - December 15th

(Rating: NNNN)
"It's become so rare to see a play in Toronto that actually lets its audience live in a space of confusion, militantly refusing to spoon-feed anything.. I couldn't help falling in love with." - NEXT MAGAZINE
"Jumps out armed and ready for engagement, in a manner that Albee could have only fantasized about in the abstract.." - FRONT MEZZ MAGAZINE
"You'll make sure you want to see this." - A VIEW FROM THE BOX
"Instead of focusing on a critique of the American nuclear family, the play looks at our complicity in global misery." - BROADWAY WORLD

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